We know all you need to know about thermoplastic. And a whole lot more. We develop and manufacture durable solutions for handling aggressive media in complex applications.
Strong and durable
For the highest of standards
Handling aggressive, corrosive or sensitive media in complex applications makes huge demands on humans, machines and technologies. This is exactly where we come into play and rise to the challenge. Our customers tell us what material or substance is to be pumped and then it is up to us to find an optimum solution that is durable, efficient and reliable.
Whatever the challenge
Regardless of whether you are dealing with particle loaded or technical clean fluids - you will not be facing any unpleasant surprises with us. We take the time to meet with you, consider all factors and develop the optimum solution using parts from wide range of products. Thanks to our competence in plastic, our products achieve very high material resistance levels. Our chemical expertise ensures that products are configured and developed with maximum durability.

No compromises
Own test bench ensures quality

Quality assurance at STÜBBE means that no pump leaves our company without being tested first. No exceptions. On our state-of-the-art test bench for plastic pumps we test both horizontal and also vertical centrifugal pumps. Pumps with a power consumption of up to 350 kilowatt and a pumping quantity of up to 1,200 cubic metres per hour can be tested almost fully automatically. The measuring data of each pump is sent to the ERP system to allow a target-actual comparison with your specific requirements.